Vesta Head of the River 2011
Photos and captions thanks to Philip Hughes

Careful Mark, that might not be the bow ball you’re holding

A moment of reflection

Who’s got the longest bolt ?

Nick packs his sandwiches

Michael perfects his technique for standing on one foot in wellies

Smile – you’re about to row the 2011 Vesta Veterans HORR

Mud glorious mud

Mark, Nick and John wish they’d also practised one legged standing in wellies

More mud

Good luck boys

Hang on I recognise that cap...it’s RSS

A bit “army” ..... needs some coaching

Here they come

Beautiful it ain’t...the view....not the KGSVBC rhythm

The Vets return – tired but happy after a good run: 23m 38sec.

Pete contemplates that first pint of Abbots

The next generation ....

Chip off the old block – “eyes shut rowing firm for 30” !